Nash #1
Issue Number 1----Issue Date 07/1999----CGC 9.4
In the year 2023, there is no money, no middle-class, no justice, and no hope. Food is the only commodity in a world divided into two social classes: the affluent elite, who live in the domed cities; and the tattered poor, who inherit the unwanted wastelands. In the middle of the injustice steps a massive man intent on giving the establishment an ass whooping and the poor a piece of the pie. The legend of Nash spreads hope outside the domes and fear into the heart of Cyruss Storm. Storm, the self-proclaimed leader of the World Food Distribution Corp., a.k.a. the WFDC, controls the world's food supply and thereby controls the world. Nash, the only man with the balls to stand up to Cyruss and the WFDC, has his own ideas of social change and a new world order.
Sketch Cover